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VIOS Digital Healthcare

Make your Practice Paperless with vios EHR & HIS

We provide an excellent patient’s database (healthcare information) for easy access by healthcare institutions, the healthcare giver and the patients anytime and anywhere.

Using our software, we capture, store, exchange and utilize healthcare data/information easily, transparently, securely in an affordable (cost effective) manner using information technology.

We solve the problems associated with data/information management for healthcare institutions, care givers, patients, government, health maintenance organization and other healthcare stakeholder.

Our Products & Services

Our Servuces
Patient's Database Management

We solve the problems associated with data/information management for healthcare institutions, care givers, patients, government, health maintenance organization and other healthcare stakeholder.


Consult your healthcare provider at home, in the office, on the go, etc.

Electronic Health Records (EHR)

Electronic health record (EHR) helps physicians and other care providers digitize patient’s record and manage their practice with ease.

EHRs are real-time, patient-centered records. They can be created, managed, and consulted by authorized providers and staff across more than one healthcare organization.

EHR system is built to go beyond standard clinical data collected in a provider’s office and can be inclusive of a broader view of a patient’s care.

EHRs are the next step in the continued progress of healthcare that can strengthen the relationship between patients and clinicians. The EHR also has the ability to support other care-related activities directly or indirectly through various interfaces.

Medication Therapy Management

A mobile application that helps patients to take their pills at the appropriate time. It also enables patients have access to their healthcare record whenever and wherever.

Hospital Information System

Hospital information system (HIS) is designed to cover hospital management without any paper work.


Ready to find out more?

VIOS EHR can be used across all the healthcare settings (hospital, pharmacies, medical laboratories, radiological centres, clinics, etc.) and hence facilitates easy access and sharing of patients data anytime.

It is integrated with an instant drug interaction and allergy reminder.

It is also integrated with a Medication Therapy Management Mobile App.

Patient’s data is secure.

 Address: Roar Nigeria Hub, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.

Tel: 08148980281

© 2018 VIOS Digital Healthcare

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